call for assistance: 763-464-9696

Was your vehicle impounded or towed from Private Property?

Q: What do I need to get my car back? A: All impounds require cash ONLY. The owner of the vehicle is the only person we can release the vehicle to. You'll need a physical title for the vehicle impounded and the owner with a valid ID matching the name on the title. Please have the exact amount told to you as the person releasing the vehicle may not carry change.

Q: Do I need my insurance card? A: No. We do not enforce vehicle insurance laws. However, we are not responsible if we release a vehicle to an uninsured.

Q: I can't come get my car. Can you release it to someone else? A: Yes, but only if the named person on the title provides a copy of the original title (unaltered) and a statement of release signed by a notary. It MUST include a release of liability in the statement. Please see our impound section for those details. 

Q: How much does it cost? A: Costs vary depending upon the type of the tow truck used, the mileage, what tools used to remove the vehicle, how much time it took to remove the vehicle safely,  storage costs, and any other Misc costs. These items may or may not apply to your situation or vehicle. Please call for updated pricing.

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Towing professionals in Elk River MN, Big Lake MN, Zimmerman MN, Princeton MN

Q: Can I leave my keys and you tow my vehicle unattended? A: We'd like to have the customer at either the pickup location or the drop location. However, in extended ETA's (Estimated time of arrivals) this may not be feasible to have you wait. Ask our dispatcher at the time of service request.

Q: Do you need the keys to tow? A: 95% of all tows will require the keys. The ones that may not are front wheel drive cars without any other vehicle parked in front of it. 9 times out of 10 we'll require the keys to be with the vehicle. In situations where you have lost the keys, we have solutions to tow them with-out those keys.

Q: What forms of payment do you accept? A: All forms are acceptable. Cash, Check, Credit: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express.

Q: Can you bill my motor club for me? A: We do not bill your insurance or motor club directly unless we're towing from an accident scene to our lot for insurance inspection. You have the option to pay us directly and then submit the bill to your Roadside Assistance Program or Insurance. In most cases, if you have an agent, you can go right into their office and get reimbursed immediately from them. We recommend that you call the Roadside Assistance 1-800 number on the back of your Roadside Assistance card as you may be fully covered for the tow. However, if you prefer to skip the long wait times, you can always call us.

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Private Property towing in Zimmerman MN 24-hour removal 763-464-9696

Q&A for owners & managers of private residences (Single-family homes), apartment complexes, and businesses. Click here for our Private Property Towing details, laws page, and forms. 

Q: Does it cost our company money to have a vehicle removed? A: NO. The owner of the vehicle is responsible for all charges.

Q: Can I have a vehicle removed 24/7? A: Yes. call us anytime, day, night, or weekend, to have the unauthorized or illegally parked vehicle towed. See our Private Property Towing section for laws regarding placement of signs, when you are allowed to tow by law, and who can have what towed.

Q: I operate a low-income housing. Can you work with tenants who can't afford to pay? A: in some situations, we can. They must provide documentation that they are receiving public assistance in some form. It will NOT eliminate their bill but help reduce it.

Q: What types of "vehicles" can I have removed? A: All types. Cars, trucks, anything with a motor can be removed, even boats and RV's.

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